School of Communication, and Information
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Distinguished Professor Emeritus
School of Communication & Information
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
4 Huntington Street
New Brunswick, NJ, 08903 USA

tefkos at

Biographical sketch
a short, one page, statement of basic biographical information
Selected articles
a collection of articles published over the years
Curriculum vitae
a really long, comprehensive statement, including bibliography

Inf. Processing & Management
Editor-in-Chief 1985-2008
information about the journal

a description of courses presently teaching, leading to syllabi and a number of resources for individual courses.
participation at upcoming and recent national and international conferences

D-Lib Edu
a web link library of resources for education in digital libraries with comments on each topic (out of date)


an eclectic list of some favorite places

Interviews - Links - Reflections
— Various videos & pictures
— Link to site "Professor Tefko Saracevic distinguished Croatian-American expert in Information Sciences"
— Interview in Rutgers Magazine about Tefko Endowed Fund for Doctoral Student Support


Last revised 12 May 2019